Online Recovery Groups

We provide therapeutic groups to meet the needs of our community.

Two separate therapeutic groups that meet twice each month:

(1) For MEN struggling with unwanted sexual behaviors;

(2) For WOMEN who have felt betrayed by their partner



Concerns regularly covered:

  • Developing healthy identity formation and reducing shame
  • Obtaining skills for effective management of sexual and emotional triggers
  • Learning how to develop empathy for partner and creating a healthier attachment with loved ones
  • Gaining a strong foundation of awareness for the feelings and rituals associated with an individual’s unique acting out cycle
  • Managing intrusive thoughts and develop skills for renewing the mind
  • Creating a strong sexual sobriety and relapse prevention plan
  • Crafting a vision for a preferred future that is absent of unwanted sexual behaviors; and maintaining a commitment to structure, accountability, and truth
  • Identifying and healing from the core wounds underlying the desire to lust and fantasize

This is an ongoing therapeutic group for men who are struggling with unwanted sexual behaviors and desire to live with sexual and relational integrity. Sexual addiction is highly associated with shame and isolation. A therapeutic group offers a safe and confidential environment with men of related struggles who are seeking similar goals. This atmosphere reduces shame, provides insights into the spiritual and emotional needs that often underlie sexual acting out, and fosters a vision for a preferred future. Men who demonstrate a willingness to follow structure, accountability and a commitment to the truth will become sexually sober, emotionally mature, and relationally healthy. This therapy group provides men with that opportunity.

Our recovery group goes beyond trying to manage unwanted behaviors. Rather, it exposes the core issues of a person’s life that lead to sexual cravings which drive the unwanted behavior. By bringing these core issues into focus, one can understand the source of discomfort, identify the need for where these behaviors originate, and address those core issues to restore true intimacy with God, family, and friends.

Do you wonder if this is the Men’s group you need?

Take this FREE and ANONYMOUS survey, and if your score is a 10 or above, this might be the group for you: 



Issues regularly addressed:

  • Changing the narrative (“It’s not about me“; “This wasn’t my fault”)
  • Modifying my thoughts and focus (“I hate what I am thinking about!“)
  • Obtaining support and resilience throughout the grieving process
  • Making requests and setting boundaries
  • Developing healthy identity formation and building self-esteem
  • Using strengths and resources for problem solving and self-care
  • Enhancing support, structure and safety plans for potential partner slips
  • Building strategies and skills for managing emotional triggers
  • Identifying thoughts, feelings, needs and wants; learning new skills for effective communication.
  • Disclosing and discovering; What should I know / want to know?
  • Defining and experiencing healthy sexuality in your relationship
  • Learning specific sex addiction issues for the partner and addiction

Partner infidelity and betrayal is an extremely painful experience that is difficult to navigate. When your sense of safety and trust has been violated, you may feel lost, isolated, trapped, and powerless. Betrayed partners wrestle with loneliness, anger, jealously, and confusion. They may ask themselves; Why is this happening to me? How did I not know what was going on? Are we going to get past this? Can I ever trust him? How do I know he won’t do this to me again? 

Our partner betrayal group is specifically designed to offer women a safe, non-judgmental and caring atmosphere where you can freely discuss your experience of life with a man who has sexual struggles. This is a supportive process group that allows for “cross talk” and sharing among the participants.  It is facilitated by a trained clinician who creates a safe, non-judgmental environment where resources and educational materials are shared.


Participation in one of our groups depends upon your history, assessment of needs, and appropriate placement by one of our therapists at Wellsprings Counseling Center, LLC.

These groups are led by a therapist who has been clinically trained in sexual addiction and partner betrayal. The therapist will control the interaction of the group and encourage members to share their own issues for feedback from other members. The lead therapist may also use various therapeutic techniques to facilitate individual healing. These techniques could be done in front of the whole group as we often learn from the experience of others.

Groups meet for two hours, every other week. Three-month commitments are required for people seeking to join a group (6 sessions). The group is open-ended, and a person can join at any time (if space is available). Individuals will evaluate their progress every three months and can decide to “graduate” from the group when they have reached certain therapeutic goals or feel ready to leave. Attendance at these groups may last for a year or more.

Meeting Times

Based on demand; Groups meet twice each month.


$50 per session (with 6 session commitment). Insurance benefits may cover this.