Stephanie Lawrence

Stephanie Lawrence


Stephanie Lawrence is a Licensed Professional Counselor (License #37PC00623400) in the State of NJ and a  Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of New York (#007696) practicing as an individual and family therapist, with a particular focus on children, adolescent, and teen populations. She is a Certified AutPlay(tm) Therapy Provider specializing in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other sensory processing concerns. She has a Masters in Mental Health Counseling from Nyack College’s Alliance Graduate School of Counseling. Stephanie believes everyone deserves the right to mental well-being, and she has developed initiatives to provide mental health counseling, training and ongoing consulting services for nonprofit organizations in marginalized populations in India and Nepal. She is passionate about providing the empathic, supportive environment in which adolescents and adults can identify and accomplish therapeutic goals in order to experience more joyful, wholehearted, and fulfilled lives.

